October News Roundup
11 Nov 2024 • Other News
On the first Saturday of the month, everyone is invited to a group service for ‘ALL SOULS’ at Himbleton church which will be led by Revd. Rich. All will be warmly welcomed to this charming and warm church! Drive along Plough Lane and turn left just after the Galton Arms to find it and also parking in an adjacent field.
On 10 November, we will gather in Hanbury to ‘remember the fallen’ on REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY in the usual way, first at the village memorial at 9.30 am and later at 10.50 am in church. The legion standard will be in attendance at the Wychbold service as the branch committee rotates between the churches in a four-year cycle. Local branch volunteers work extremely hard to support the veterans and their families, so please support the poppy appeal generously once again.
The Saturday evening concert in church given by THE BALLARD SINGERS was hugely enjoyed not only for the music itself but also for the opportunity to chat over delicious refreshments. The programme explored a wide variety of music, skilfully delivered by conductor, choir and musicians. Thanks to the audience and all who made it possible through gifting time and refreshments.
Foodbank staff were delighted with HANBURY SCHOOL’S HARVEST DONATIONS which weighed in at a whopping 50 kilos! Thank you so much to parents for their generous support; church service donations will be added to these.
At the SUNDAY SERVICE, Gary Ford spoke about the state of farming today, with encouragement to the young to explore career options at nearby educational institutions. The scale of British farming is so much smaller than that of our world competitors but many involved in agriculture feel passionate about their occupations which can employ a wide range of creative and technical skills. With a shortage of young people going into farming, it is unfortunate that the national curriculum makes little or no reference to it, especially in a rural community like ours.
Thanks also to the Flower Guild for decorating the church so very beautifully and to the very kind cooks who supplied homemade soup and freshly baked rolls to serve after the service. Churchyard volunteering was great fun, and was rewarded with a high level of team satisfaction on admiring our work. Thank you to the volunteers who gifted just a couple of hours of their valuable time. Please return your T4U SHOE BOXES to Hanbury church as soon as possible this month, to be delivered by me to Feckenham in time for the service on Sunday 24 November. This service is always inspiring; you can see the work of the charity at www.teams4u.com.
Stoke Works and Hanbury Royal British Legion is organizing A TRIP TO THE PICTURESQUE CITY OF CHESTER on Thursday 5 December. Spend free time admiring ancient buildings including the cathedral and browse through the Christmas Market. Please book via Alan Pugh on 07590 582 752 or email juditheburman@aol.com. Any more takers? Please book asap.